Thursday, June 28, 2007

The importance of this is illustrated in the behavior of many of our young people who go in for “petting” or “necking”....

"....The importance of this is illustrated in the behavior of many of our young people who go in for “petting” or “necking” largely for the reason that they do not dance and have nothing better to do. Surely they would rather dance if they knew how. But the pain and distress of being a wall-flower is such that they stay away from the dance, and from the many social activities of which dancing is naturally a part. So it is not dancing but the lack of dancing in many cases that is morally disadvantageous. Ask some of these youngsters who do not dance just what they do on such occasions? And as for the older people who do not dance? They, too, feel inadequate, and they commonly resort to drink as a means of escape and to blunt their sense of social inferiority. Poverty of resources will easily lead to unwholesome diversions...."

...from a 1934 article in Physical Culture magazine by way of that fun blog Modern Mechanix: "Try Dancing for that Inferiority Complex"

By Arthur Murray!