Saturday, July 26, 2014

Todd Bentley: I need $10,000 Now!

{Posted at Bene Diction Blogs On April 23, 2014)
Well, perhaps it wasn't stated as bluntly as in my headline. But Todd Bentley put on the pressure a couple hours ago by e-mail. And he only has about 45 hours to go.

Is he paying a ransom to kidnappers? Owe 10 large to gangsters? No. he's trying to meet a deadline for a down payment on an "apostolic kingdom center" If he can come up with $10,000 US to meet the 48 hour deadline, he can have the facility, complete with 300 seat sanctuary.
Thus the e-mail tonight at He's quite excited about the possibilities.
Bentley, we may recall, has been under the mentoring of Rick Joyner since the collapse of Lakeland. Bentley writes in the e-mail that he has been waning for several years to have his own facility eith offices, etc., so he coud hold events in Charlotte, N.C. etc.

If Joyner's Morningstar holds the mortgage paper that Bentley would be assuming, that would be one thing. And that I do not know. But, after being helped by Morningstar for years, this facility would offer Bentley total defacto independence. Depending on what you think of Joyner's mentoring, that could be an ominous portent.

I think that a little of Bentley's excitement may be joy at the prospect of being able to snap his fingers at everyone, if he so chooses.
>Let's see how it plays out. Certainly, if he pulls it off, he will have to end his sabbatical to pay this mortgage. Whether he is ready or not to do so.