[originally posted at Bene Diction Blogs on, Jan. 8, 2010]
As I write, a live meeting is being held at Todd Bentley's almost-a-new-revival in South Carolina. The boss would frown on me playing it at work while she is here, but I can report that Bentley expected something interesting to happen tonight (January 8).
Earlier today (January 8), Bentley tweeted:
IamToddBentley: Outpouring meetings continue thru sat night and then tues thru sat next week come. Mike Bickle showing up tonite with a powerful word. about 9 hours ago from Twitterrific
Mike Bickle is the one in charge at IHOP, so if this is true it would seem that the IHOP revival and the new Bentley revival might be looking for ways not to compete with each other. Are they overtly working together? I don't know. But it looks like they are seeking to get along, or look like they are getting along.
The many followers of the International House of Prayer movement that Bickle heads may not be pleased at Bickle's implicit endorsement of the Todd Bentley "restoration process" and his return to ministry, shown by his choice to come and say good things about that is going on at Fort Mill.