Saturday, April 09, 2011

Winston Smith, Lakeland revival archivist?

[Posted at Bene Diction Blogs On, Mar. 19, 2011]

A fellow blogger makes an excellent observation about what may be happening to the history of Todd Bentley and his "Lakeland Revival".

The blogger at Available Light Online, whose name I unfortuantly do not know, has often kindly linked to posts by Bene D and I in their weekly newsy update "Articles of the Week".

In commenting on my recent post on Todd Bentley (thanks for the link!), the Available Light Online blogger makes an excellent comment that I hope would be all right to share here as well, due to the nature of what they are asking.

They write:

....I went back to some old documentation of YouTube links about the Lakeland Revival and noticed that some of them had been removed and I am now wondering if there is now an attempt to rewrite the history of the Lakeland Revival / Florida Outpouring by getting the apologetic media censored and removed and eventually trying to replace it with “their versions”.

I would wonder about this as well. I would ask if YouTube starting to pull videos after complaints from Bentley and his friends? Are they being pulled for copyright reasons, not being perceived as meeting "Fair use standards"? Are the makers of the apologetics minded videos just going off-line for their own reasons?

If videos are disappearing, why they are disappearing might certainly be of interest.

This looks like it may be productive line of inquiry. Hopefully by working together, we can learn what is happening.

Whatever we can learn, please be sure to share at Avaialble Light Online as well...