Friday, June 01, 2012

As seen on Lisa Ling's show

{Posted at Bene Diction Blogs On, Aug 4, 2011] I was recently at a house which has the Oprah Winfrey Network on their cable. I happened to see a generic promo for Lisa Ling's Our America TV program. You know, the program that in its first episode this past spring did a fawning profile of Todd Bentley. Well, the promo has a few seconds of Bentley doing his thing as part of a typical thing that you might see on an Our America show. So, I would be surprised if, others, like a newspaper columnist that I posted on went, "Todd Bentley, oh that's nice..." One thing seems clear...if she's using the evangelist in promo material for her show, we can't expect Lisa Ling to rethink her reporting on Mr. Bentley. At least, not any time soon...