Friday, June 01, 2012

Faytene is ready for her close-up

{Posted at Bene Diction Blogs On, Aug 13, 2011] Faytene Grasseschi is apparently an actress. Yes, really. The former Faytene Kryskow is mentioning on her Facebook wall this week that she has a part in a short film being made over the past few days. It is an initiative of her friend Patricia King's XPmedia. This makes sense, as in recent months King has been having a series of conferences relating to the movie industry or social media. How better to put all those seminar participants to work? How better to use Faytene's husband, Robert, in areas that he may have proven skills and ability? Faytene writes:
Faytene Grasseschi about to shoot for my first short film (with I am playing the role of the "disillusioned" housewife. Spicy. Praying this show is used to deeply heal families. Wednesday at 1:25pm
Now, at BDBO, we have been concerned about some of the excesses in Faytene's theology. If you are bound and determined to make an ideological point, the history of propaganda films shows that a few minutes is all that you need if you are prepared to be blunt and simple. In the case of Faytene's film, however, the need for simplicity dictated by the short length of the film may necessarily lead to it having a simple, wholesome and useful message. [I am thinking of the earliest films of silent comedians, say which were not complex at all--due to the fact that they had no time or resources to be complicated.] So, perhaps we can be hopeful. I do have to smile though at the idea of Faytene being an actress though, as I think she'd make a natural Scarlett O'Hara. ;)