Friday, June 01, 2012

Faytene downgrades from red alert status?

[Posted at Bene Diction Blogs On Sept 14, 2011] There's a video call to prayer from Faytene Grasseschi from Sept. 11th on the 'net now. Faytene brings some thoughtful things that may be worth praying about--one thing that I appreciated is her call to pray for those 'propagating terror-- but I did notice something in passing. She mentions that the UN motion regarding the status of Palestine and Israel is now scheduled for September 21. You may remember that a few weeks ago, Faytene broadly hinted that war could break out in the Middle East as a result of this motion. At 5:34 of the video mentioned in that post, Faytene said: “….there is a good chance that we could be in a midst of a war in the Middle East this fall. We don’t know for sure, but things seem to be stacking up that way…” And now? The Un motion properly conitues to be a matter of prayer, but Faytene now says that it could merely "trigger increasing tensions in the middle east." Hopefully she realized that she overstated her case before, but she could also want to have a less alarmist prediction on the record. Perhaps we could ask her...