Friday, June 01, 2012

Mark Byron replies

{Posted at Bene Diction Blogs On Sept. 2, 2011] Noted blogger Mark Byron has chosen to repliy to my post earlier this week on the usefulness of keeping an eye on the dominionist movement. So far, his reply is in two parts, part one and part two. I'll need to give what he says a good thinking over, but so far, I am pleased with how our exchange is going. Byron is amiable, and thoughtul, and I hope that I differ with him respectfully. I see that he may also look askance at Faytene Grasseschi, the lady, who through circumstance--being Canadian and all--gets good play here. A point he makes in his second post reminds me of something that I read in an older conservative critique of the earliest form of dominionism, which I plan to blog on separately soon...