Friday, June 01, 2012

Hey, we could turn the old barn out back into a movie studio!

{Posted at Bene diction Blogs On Aug 30, 2011] Faytene Grasseschi is in the movies! In a matter of speaking. She appears in this short film, Silver Lining. It was made by students at Patricia King's recent "Media Fest" conference, in which students learned to make videos, films and such. I've been mindful at BDBO of King and Grasseschi's expressed plans to take over social media, which led me to worry that this film could have a bit of a bad spin in less than a reel. But I am pleased to note that this little film seems pleasant and uplifting. Nice job. As I had guessed, due to the lack of screentime, it wound up making a simple, basic point. [Not that that's all they could have done. I have a video collection of very early silent religious films. Three films, 45 minutes, including a Life Of Christ that's only 10-15 minutes long, if memory serves.] Future films may have a wonky theology, but I don't see it in this one. But I did want to make the link available to those who wanted to watch it. [Silver Lining gets the MST3K treatment in 3...2... :) ] BD butting in, and embedding.