Friday, June 01, 2012

Perhaps Masada isn't the best example to emulate...

{Posted at Bene Diction Blogs On June 25, 2011] Perhaps you could attribute it to Faytene Grasseschi not taking enough history at Simon Fraser University. I am happy for the former Faytene Kryskow that she apparently had a great time on her recent "honeymoon" in Israel. But, in a brief spate of work, she shows one of those "Err.." moments that she has been noted for. Faytene remains director of MyCanada, which sends out monthly updates of the interesting things they are doing and projects they encourage people to be involved in. The June update video is introduced by Faytene while on her holiday. At 0:22, she says: "...I'm on the top of Mount Masada, which is a place where people stood for what they believed for in their time..." Full stop. Is Joesphus on her home bookshelf? In 73 AD, the defenders of the besieged fortress committed mass suicide rather than surrender to the surrounding Romans. Fight against all odds? Sure. Kill yourself rather than surrender? Perhaps not the best idea to plant in the recesses of a young activist's mind. I think it's quite safe to accept some Kool-Aid from Faytene, but why would you shoot your video segment there when you have been travelling all over the country? I'm sure it was not a deliberate choice...but forethought would have been useful here.