Saturday, December 21, 2013

Come to the fair! And "I knew when Lakeland was aborted"

[Posted at Bene Diction Blogs on May 23, 2013] Last week, what we could define as Todd Bentley's travelling circus hit the road. Starting on May 15, the Bentley revival moved from the Durban area to the "Pretoria Show Grounds" in South Africa. I find that interesting in that the Durban meetings seemed to have lasted about the same amount of time as the well publicized part of the "Lakeland revival". Any longer in Durban and it may run out of steam and there would be time for people in the Durban area to notice it and give it a careful examination? Who can say? My guess is that their "fair grounds" would be like holding the revival at the PNE or the Canadian National Exhibition, which seems a little ironic. {Bentley has followed up his announcement of the move on the 9th with another anouncement that we are in the midst of "Another Pentecost", writing:"We don't need to prophesy any more about a coming healing revival or about a coming harvest; we are already in the season of harvest at the end of the age more souls will be saved than ever before." No pressure, Todd. No pressure at all.] Wendy Alec, of GOD TV fame, has chimed in with what looks like another prophetic word channeling "God". "In case you were not paying attention the first time, THUS SAITH THE LORD"? Todd Bentley sent it out April 30. I'll be quoting it in the comments for future reference, but one part, directed at Todd personally, really rubbed me the wrong way: It reads: "...For my son beloved son, Do you not realize I knew when I birthed you all those years ago? I knew when Lakeland was aborted; I saw this very day." It is bothersome in that "God" is seeing Lakeland" as something that was living and perfect that would have been born and prospered if we would have let that take place. And there is so much evidence to the contrary, which I am sure that my readers are well aware of. Wendy Alec as carnival barker? Perhaps....