Saturday, December 21, 2013

Funny how all these Todd Bentley accounts happen where they can't be confirmed Independently

[Posted at Bene Diction Blogs On November 6, 2013] Hat tip to the folks at Right Wing Watch blog for spotting a new video by Todd Bentley this week. Todd says, in a Morningstar video, there was gold in them thar revival in South Africa this past summer. Allegedly gold fell in such quantities that Jessa Bentley couldn't wash it off. How handy that he doesn't have independent documentation. Isn't it odd that Todd Bentley couldn't document this as it was happening with video footage? I wonder if there was any mention of this in the e-mails he was sending out at the time. Suffice it to say that Bentley badly needs factchecking sometimes. Reminds me of what filmaker Roy Petersen was,reportedly told in Lakeland. If only he had been there during the first few weeks before the GOD TV cameras showed up. The revival was best then. Too bad that he was not there...