Saturday, December 21, 2013

Speaking of porn...

[Posted at Bene Diction Blogs On Dec. 11 2013] Christians are not merely handing out Scripture portions to target the porn industry, as the news this morning will attest. This past weekend, The Manchester Guardian reported that the porn industry centered in Los Angeles faces a bit of a perfect storm. For the third time in a year, porn filmmakers in and around the city will face a temporary shutdown of their work after a performer tested positive for HIV. Also, a new local law that mandates that all actors must wear condoms when being filmed is leading porn makers to flee the city. The latest wrinkle, according toe Charisma News, is that a national day of prayer, sponsored by 40 US groups, was already taking place on December 10, to have Christians pray as they felt led about the issue. Although how people get their porn is changing wildly these days, the atmosphere that will replace it could pose problems of its own. And the porn industry has historically proved very resilient. [Scroll down to "stag films" here . I guess we'll have to prayerfully see what happens.