Saturday, December 21, 2013

He's too sexy for this post. Too sexy for this...

{Posted at Bene Diction Blogs On Dec 12 2013] It's a big day for Robert Grasseschi today as I write (December 12) Today, according to Faytene's Facebook feed, he will be taping a segment for The 700 Club to air in the new year. He will no doubt talk about his testimony and his past as a basketball player and then a model overseas. Perhaps he will be allowed to promote his book The Catwalk To Christ. This is worthy of brief note, because it would be a big step towards developing an identity of his own instead of being merely "husband of". Robert strikes me as a a nice guy, so I hope this goes well for him. It's not his fault that when he mentions the modelling part of his testimony, I am so often reminded of the Right Said Fred song and it begins to play in my mind. Hope he is the forgiving type. :) Although I would get it if Faytene found him "So sexy it hurts." Totally understandable. ;) Good luck, Robert.