Saturday, December 21, 2013
Jesus Loves Porn Stars
[Posted at Bene Diction Blogs on Dec. 4 2013]
It's certainly the most different Gospel of John that I have recently seen.
It's produced by xxxchurch.com, which reaches out to the "porn industry", and those affected by "porn addiction".
You can tell, as "Jesus Loves Porn Stars includes brief testimonies from a "porn producer", a "stripper", an "escort" and a "porn star". According to Wikipedia, the booklet I found is something they regularly hand out at pornography industry conventions. It would be a bit of a fluke then for me to come across one.
Ron Jeremy is well known as a porn actor, so much so that he is widely known by the general public. The booklet includes a section on Jeremy's interactions with Craig George of the ministry. I'm guessing the uncredited article is by him as it is written in the first person.
Jeremy and George have established enough of a rapport that they have held amiable debates on pornography's effects on society.
Well, if my small group at church does a study on the Gospel of John, I am all set. ;)